Press Releases

Extreme Environment Materials Solutions, LLC Announces New Material Development

Saratoga Springs, NY, Feb 14, 2013 — Extreme Environment Materials Solutions (EEMS®), LLC (, a polymer/ceramic technology company, announced today the creation of small diameter ( 5 micron) ceramic beads formed from their liquid, ceramic forming polymer technology.

Herb Armstrong, Managing Member of EEMS said, “We remain stead fast in our continuing efforts to commercialize our high temperature polymer technology in a wide range of physical forms that will enable our customers to easily manufacture products that are lighter in weight than metals, operate at temperatures in excess of 850 degrees Celsius and are highly corrosion and wear resistant.”

About Extreme Environment Materials Solutions, LLC

EEMS® is a materials solutions company providing products that address customer needs in extreme operating environments. The company develops, manufactures and sells high-temperature capable polymers, ceramic forming polymers for use in fabricating composites based on a wide range of fillers and fiber reinforcements, ceramic forming binders, coatings and performance chemicals that meet customer’s needs. For more information, contact EEMS® at [email protected].

Herb Armstrong
Phone (518) 450-1055
[email protected]

PDF: Extreme Environment Materials Solutions, LLC Announces New Material Development